Happy 2011!
Austin, PA Dam Remnants |
Amundsen at South Pole |
Mexican Revolution Postcard |
I've been thinking about 1911 this week. I'm a history buff, so I wonder what the big news events of that year were? It's hard to believe that the 2nd decade of the 21st century is now underway. I wonder if people a hundred years ago thought about the passage of time in the same way? Could the everyday people of 1911 have ever imagined what their future would look like? Being born in 1911 meant being born at the time of the ongoing Mexican Revolution; the Mona Lisa painting being stolen; the town of Austin, PA destroyed by a bursting dam and Norwegian, Roald Amundsen arriving at the South Pole. My grandfather was almost 3 years old during this time and the US was made up of 46 states; Alaska, Hawaii, New Mexico and Arizona were still yet to become part of the union. Sports saw the groundbreaking of Boston's Fenway Park occur and the very first Indianapolis 500 auto race is run.
Mona Lisa Being Stolen |
Fenway Park Opening |
All these instances in time were witnessed by our family ancestors who came before us 100 years ago. 100 years from now in 2111 people will look back on 2011 as we do on 1911 with interest. How different the world is today from 1911. Can we even imagine how different things will be in 2111?
As I stepped out this evening to let the dog out I saw flickering in the sky peeking through the trees, Orion's Belt. The last couple of times I've looked toward it, I've thought about how everyone who has ever looked into the sky has been able to witness the beauty of it. Everyone.
Orion Constellation |
How interesting to think of the many multitudes of humanity that have gazed upon it. Some things never change...like the stars in the sky, like the love of a parent for their child or God's love for humanity.
May 2011 be a year of peace, joy and remembrance for you and may you take the time to witness those timeless wonders around us.
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