PIC of the Week: November 2010 view near Concord, VA |
A couple of things are on my mind this Tuesday. First off, I really don't understand all the political hubbub regarding whether compromise is capitulation or that capitulation is compromise. 'Do they know it's Christmas time at all?'
Secondly, Elizabeth Edwards, former wife of the presidential candidate, John passed away after a courageous battle with cancer this week. Sadly, her funeral was marred by some sick minded protesters we're all now too used to seeing be disrespectful at other such celebrations of life; espousing untruths in God's name. As a 'Jesus Follower' I've come to realize through love, grace, peace and fellowship with other disciples that it's imperative to get the truth out. Again, I ask the disrespectful (among many other questions) 'do they know it's Christmas time at all?'
So as we get closer to the celebration of Christ's birth let's forget about the things that really, when you seriously think about it...don't matter. The importance of giving, family, friends and time spent with them during the Christmas season and all year round is what it's all about. I've always known when it's Christmas time, but for some reason now...this year...I really know it!
So, who remembers this great tune? Enjoy!
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